Vibrational Medicine
You may have noticed that power washing is very therapeutic, or that cleaning out your closet makes you feel a little lighter. There is a school of medicine that talks all about that. It's called vibrational medicine and it is about power washing your chi. It's about being aware of your energy, and being aware of how your energy is in constant flow (or not) and affects everything and everybody.
At the Groovalution, we know that self-care and vibrational awareness is really as important as taking your vitamins. Watch self-proclaimed groovalutionary chat on vibrational medicine.
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You may have noticed that power washing is very therapeutic, or that cleaning out your closet makes you feel a little lighter. There is a school of medicine that talks all about that. It's called vibrational medicine and it is about power washing your chi. It's about being aware of your energy, and being aware of how your energy is in constant flow and affects so many other things.
Today I'm talking about vibrational medicine because as a groovalutionary, it's really important to keep the vibes of flow. I like to refer to my processes as power washing my chi. Because I do think power washing is therapeutic. And because I do think cleaning your closet actually makes you feel lighter. I first became really interested in vibrational medicine in the way of performing. I found it very difficult to put out a lot of energy, then contain my energy, then need to deal with strangers, then need to be grounded in myself. And it really caused some extreme reactions at times. I don't want to be around a big group of people. I need to go and isolate myself, or different kinds of things that were more reactive or more in response to different group situations.
And then I learned this tip about zipping up your energy when one is presented with being in a large group or having to give out so much energy over a period of time. That to retain your own energy and to really stand in your groundedness is actually a deliberate act. And it doesn't mean that I'm actually taking a jacket and zipping it on top of me. But putting that in mind, that zipping up my energy before I go out into a large group of people has really helped me keep clean and solid and big energy.
Acknowledging your body as a whole system is important because it's all about the connection. Your heart sends messages to your brain. Your brain sends messages to other parts of your body. And so, keeping this clear energy channel from head to toe, acknowledging where and when our nerves become escalated, how can you actually take control of that? And it really is as simple as a breath and a conscious decision to check in and ground yourself. So, what I do, are, again, the basics. And I repeat these basics because they are the fundamental way to keep your energy in check. It means, devote some or a lot of time to journaling, grounding, yoga-ing, exercising. Self care and vibrational awareness is really as important as taking your vitamins. My name is Ellee Ven. I'm a self proclaimed groovalutionary. I've got amazing vibes. How about you?